Download KEEP RUNNING! SIR, YES SIR! (2015)

Indo :
Dalam kursus militer tahun ke-3 di Khao Chon Kai, dua kelompok siswa militer berusaha untuk mendominasi satu sama lain. Ada banyak konflik dan pengganggu di antara mereka karena mereka berada di sekolah tinggi. Pada praktek mereka di lapangan, mereka selalu membuat masalah menyebabkan mentor mereka untuk menghukum seluruh teman mereka. Selain konflik antara dua geng, tampaknya ada misteri di sepanjang kursus militer mereka di sini, terutama di malam hari. Tidak begitu lama, mereka telah menemukan bahwa salah satu mentor saat mereka, sarge Danai, sudah mati. Mereka perlu menghadapi praktek lapangan ekstra dari Sarge tersebut.

English :
In a 3rd year military course at Khao Chon Kai, two groups of military students are trying to dominate each other. There were many conflicts and bullies between them since they were at their high schools. At their practice on the field, they always make troubles causing their mentors to punish their entire company. Other than the conflicts between the two gangs, there seems to be a mystery along their military course here, especially at night time. Not so long, they have found out that one of their current mentor, sarge Danai, was dead. They need to bare on an extra field practice from the sarge.

Release Date: 2015 (Thailand)
Genre: Comedy, Horror
Stars: Somchai Kemglad, Veeradit Srimalai, Narinchote Wachiraniyomgul
Subtitle : Indonesia

Thanks to: Full Movies

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